

July 12, 2003---Oceanside Yacht Club Regatta

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A regatta supporting The Elizabeth Hospice 25th Anniversary

Raquel and Kori.  Photo courtesy of

June 2003---the Fair

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Got lots of Hula Hooping practice

June 20, 18th Birthday---Celebrated at the Fair

Yeah, pretty much styling in the new Minnie Mouse Sunglasses

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What???  They expect ME, the FOF and the Birthday gal to serve?????

Yes, that would be me, doing the 130 foot Bungee Jump!!

Hey! You turn 18, they let you sign contracts!!!!!!

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Hanging out in the Fun Zone with Megan Shea, Miss Vista, Papa Rich, and Malinda Lasley, Miss Valley Center.

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The Family!!

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My Art.  Charcoal and Water Color
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Fathers Day at the Fair

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Yvonne Torres, Miss National City and Cristin Grettenberger, Miss Clairemont

June 10, 22nd District Agriculture Association Meeting

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Raquel received the $2,000 scholarship from the 22nd DAA Board of Directors

May 21, Carlsbad Sundowner

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At Wells Fargo Bank sundownerMay2.jpg (284013 bytes)

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The Drawing

May 10, Lemon Grove Parade

Thanks to Richie for the Pink Mustang lemongrove2web.jpg (165626 bytes)

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May Carlsbad Village Fair

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Raquel and Kori
Face Painting

April Meeting the City Council
Photos Courtesy City of Carlsbad

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Meeting the Chamber members at a Sundowner

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Flower Field Shoot for Fairest of Fair
photo courtesy of:

The Official Fairest of the Fair Photographer

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