Miss Carlsbad 2003

Fairest of the Fair
Pageant Night
Pageant Practice
A Nite on the Town

Welcome to our

49th Annual

Miss Carlsbad Pageant Site

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On March 29, 2003 we crowned as:

Miss Carlsbad 2003
Raquel Rusing

photo courtesy of:

The Official Fairest of the Fair Photographer

On May 16, 2003 the judges for the
2003 Fairest of the Fair and Miss San Diego County
saw the same special qualities that Raquel
is blessed with and made her
2003 Fairest of the Fair
2003 Miss San Diego County


First Princess
Kori Walton


Second Princess
Marisa Gustafson


Third Princess
Jaymie Harrison


Miss Congeniality
Molly Garrett


Miss Photogenic
Raquel Rusing


Thank you to all our participants, families, sponsors and Lions.